Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturday
9:10 AM -9:30 AM
Download the Air Exchange listings by date:
September 5th
If you have something you want to buy, sell, or give away, call the WOMT Air Exchange!
One person may have a maximum of three active listings at one time. When listing vehicles, you must name the asking price. Only items under $2,000.00 will be accepted. Each item can be announced once per week. If you would like your item on again another week you must call again or resend the information.
To list your item on Air-Exchange:
Call: 682-4674 and announce it live during the show
Drop Off:
3730 Mangin Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220
PO Box 1385
Manitowoc, WI 54221-1385
Fax: 920-682-1008
The Air Exchange is first and foremost a call-in show, and as such, depending on the number of phone calls we receive during the live program, we may not get to the items in the mailbag.
Rental properties, business advertisements, guns and ammunition are prohibited.